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Több megjelenítése

If the video is too long for you to watch in brief I have to have urological surgery to correct a nerve bundle and vein that are causing an emergency status. The nerve bundle has been causing problems for a year and is the explanation for why I've been avoiding straitjacket sessions with Mike because I have to constantly do things to disrupt the nerve signals. In the last month the vein became abnormal and now I am having persistent and painful erections, I will be going into the hospital tomorrow (10/19/23)

Feltöltő Strapskinks


Hello everyone, you're probably expecting this video to end with me in a straight jacket

or in some sort of bondage gear or in the back bag.

Unfortunately none of the above are going to happen and probably not for another month

or two, maybe even three.

It really depends on what happens after the surgery.

Kevesebb mutatása Több megjelenítése

Surgery you might ask?

Yeah, I'll get to that part.

This video is actually more of an explanation as to why I have been completely silent here

on Ex Hamster since, well, the hockey gear back bag session with the Warrior Hockey Trustee.

I'm pretty sure you guys are wondering where the hell I've been.

Well, I'll start with the easy stuff and work my way up to the big one.

On or about September 24th I was exposed to someone carrying a bacterial sinus infection.

I got ill and, of course, me being the medically smart person I am, I immediately rushed to

urgent care and they gave me Zithromax.

That was a terrible idea.

I get yeast infections from macrolides and penicillins.

Zithromax is a macrolide.

Luckily now, both penicillins and macrolides are now in my allergy database and no hospital

will ever prescribe them to me because of a system called CMSHCCC.

Put simply, CMSHCCC is a national system that allows every hospital to see a person's allergy


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  • 13:42